Image ClassificationIn my last blog post I talked about different problems in the field of computer vision (resp. visual recognition), that people work on. The…May 1, 2018May 1, 2018
Visual RecognitionThe amount of visual data (e.g. photos and videos) around us has exploded during the last couple of years, which is probably mainly caused…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
Introduction to Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence (AI) is quite popular right now. The famous AI researcher Andrew Ng for instance even called it the new…Sep 5, 2017Sep 5, 2017
Computational Linear Algebra I — IntroductionOnline courses can be a good option to get into a new topic. For instance regarding Machine Learning the ML course hold by Andrew Ng is…Aug 16, 2017Aug 16, 2017